Su-30MKI: The "Desi" that went international

Su-30MKI: The "Desi" that went international

In our previous blog, we spoke of how India got its Sukhois "customised". But what exactly did India do to the aircraft? Read to find out...

India basically 'took the best' and 'made it better'. The Su-30 by default, was designed to be fast and agile, whilst also having a very long range. India wanted to enhance these aspects further.

The Indian Air Force decided to add 'canards' to the aircraft, which made it stand out from the rest of its family. Canards are those small winglets on the front of the aircraft, which would make the aircraft more agile.

Added to the canards, was another Soviet engineering marvel, which even the Americans didn't have back then. You guessed it right: it's the Thrust Vectoring Thrust Vectored Control, or simply TVC, is a technology, which would literally 'bend' the exhaust nozzle of the aircraft to make the jet turn faster and more tighter.

The IAF also customised the aircraft with a plethora of systems of Indian, Russian and Israeli origins, giving the 'truly Desi' modification 'an international touch'.

Wanna hear some amazing things the Su-30MKI did with its Thrust vectoring? Don't forget to follow us for the next issue!

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